How To Calculate Trace Of A Matrix
The trace of a foursquare matrix is the sum of its diagonal entries.
The trace has several backdrop that are used to prove of import results in matrix algebra and its applications.
Tabular array of contents
Trace of a sum
Trace of a scalar multiple
Trace of a linear combination
Trace of the transpose of a matrix
Trace of a product
Trace of a scalar
Solved exercises
Exercise ane
Exercise 2
Let us start with a formal definition.
Definition Let be a matrix. Then, its trace, denoted by or , is the sum of its diagonal entries:
Some examples follow.
Example Define the matrix Then, its trace is
Example Define the matrix And so, its trace is
The following subsections report some useful backdrop of the trace operator.
Trace of a sum
The trace of a sum of ii matrices is equal to the sum of their traces.
Proposition Let and exist 2 matrices. Then,
Remember that the sum of ii matrices is performed by summing each element of 1 matrix to the corresponding element of the other matrix (meet the lecture on Matrix addition). Every bit a consequence,
Trace of a scalar multiple
The next proffer tells us what happens to the trace when a matrix is multiplied by a scalar.
Proposition Let be a matrix and a scalar. So,
Call back that the multiplication of a matrix by a scalar is performed by multiplying each entry of the matrix past the given scalar (run across the lecture on Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar). Equally a consequence,
Trace of a linear combination
The two properties above (trace of sums and scalar multiples) imply that the trace of a linear combination is equal to the linear combination of the traces.
Proposition Let and be ii matrices and and two scalars. Then,
Trace of the transpose of a matrix
Transposing a matrix does not change its trace.
Proposition Allow exist a matrix. And so,
The trace of a matrix is the sum of its diagonal elements, merely transposition leaves the diagonal elements unchanged.
Trace of a product
The next proposition concerns the trace of a product of matrices.
Proposition Let exist a matrix and an matrix. Then,
Trace of a scalar
A trivial, just often useful property is that a scalar is equal to its trace because a scalar tin can exist thought of as a matrix, having a unique diagonal element, which in plough is equal to the trace.
This property is often used to write dot products as traces.
Example Let be a row vector and a cavalcade vector. And then, the production is a scalar, and where in the last step we accept use the previous proposition on the trace of matrix products. Thus, we have been able to write the scalar as the trace of the matrix .
Below you can find some exercises with explained solutions.
Exercise 1
Let be a matrix defined past Discover its trace.
Past summing the diagonal elements, nosotros obtain
Exercise 2
Allow be a matrix and a vector. Write the product every bit the trace of a product of two matrices.
Since is a scalar, we have that Furthermore, is and is . Therefore, where both and are .
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Trace of a matrix", Lectures on matrix algebra.
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